Example code can be found in the following location:
0. Project Structure
1. Setting up the Main JS File
2. Resource Manager
3. UIElement
4. Creating And Extending a Class
5. Creating a Label
6. Creating a Button
7. Using Layouts
8. Styling UIElements
9. Using ScrollLayout
10. Applying A Grid Layout
11. Creating a MovieClip
12. Adding an Event Listener
13. Dispatching a Custom Event
14. Design Pattern: Singleton
15. Design Pattern: Factory Method
16. Design Pattern: Command Method
17. Design Pattern: Observer Method
18. Creating a Sprite
19. Create a Collection
20. Iterate a Collection
21. Creating a Model (MVC)
22. Design Pattern: MVC
23. ResourceManager Multiple Instances of an Image
24. Loading JSON FIles as Objects
25. Built-in Cross Browser Functions
26. Changing the Stage Element
27. Using JSONLoader